Concrete Patching And Installations - Quality Concerns And Essentials
Concrete products have a limited 'shelf life' that may ultimately require pavement to be patched or replaced. A paving contractor will use some distinct steps when installing fresh concrete. A quality product will be less prone to cracking and chipping, plus may not necessitate a sealant coat for many years.
Common Issues With Concrete Pavement
A contractor pays close attention to the concrete and water ratio used to prepare a pavement mixture. If too much water is added to a mix, the excess moisture could hinder the strength of the finished concrete. Concrete needs plenty of time to cure naturally too. If heating equipment was used to speed up the drying process, concrete won't set properly and would be prone to cracking.
In spite of a quality concrete mix being prepared and installed, there are some other variables that could hinder the performance of concrete pavement. A large tree that topples over, for instance, could put quite a bit of weight on concrete and cause cracks and chips to appear in the pavement. A contractor who is going to perform a pavement job may recommend that a property owner handles landscaping variables first. Any threats to how long concrete will last need to be identified and handled at the onset of hiring a concrete contractor.
Pavement Repair And Installation Processes
Repairs become imminent after concrete has been installed for many years. The environment alone can have a negative impact on concrete. Although it is not visibly noticeable, concrete is actually shifting on occasion. These shifts occur when the weather patterns change. Concrete pavement will naturally expand and contract. The excessive expansion and contraction processes that occur over many years may necessitate that pavement be patched.
A contractor will prepare a blend of patch mix that contains the same components found in a concrete mix. This material is used to repair minor damages. When new concrete is going to be installed, a contractor may pay careful attention to the joints that they install in between concrete slabs. Joints are constructed of a soft material. They are often laid out between adjacent concrete slabs that form a sidewalk or a driveway.
The use of joints may greatly increase the life of a concrete product. A joint's role is to allow concrete to expand and contract. If joints were not laid down, the movement of concrete would be limited. The restriction could lead to concrete cracking or chipping prematurely.
Contact a concrete paving company for more info.