Insight To Help You Deal With Three Types Of Asphalt Pavement Damage

When your asphalt begins to dry out and become damaged from vehicle fluids and show wear patterns that can cover its entire surface, it is recommended to repair them as soon as possible to restore the integrity of your asphalt. Here are some tips to help you repair and restore three common types of asphalt pavement damage.

Web-Pattern Cracking

A big sign of aging on the surface of your asphalt is the occurrence of a web-like pattern of cracking. This can happen over a small or large area of your asphalt and continue to grow until it covers the entire surface, and happens as the asphalt dries out and fails.

You can hire a professional asphalt company to apply the repair over this damage, or do the repairs yourself. First, clean out any vegetation, dirt, and debris from the cracks. You can use an asphalt crack cleaning hoe or the edge of a screwdriver or trowel to remove the debris. Sweep the debris from the area to ensure the area is clean for the repair materials to adhere.

You will also need an asphalt patching compound for alligator cracking, which you can find at most home improvement stores. Scoop the patching compound over the area, then press it into the cracks and smooth it level with an asphalt squeegee. Allow the patch to cure fully according to the package instructions before driving or walking across its surface.

Vehicle Fluid Damage

Fluids that commonly drip from vehicles or power tools can damage and cause the surface of your asphalt's emulsion to break down. This causes the aggregate to become lose from the asphalt's surface, leading to further deterioration. Brake fluid, oil, and gasoline on your asphalt's surface can lead to damage that can eat away down through the entire thickness of your pavement.

To remove the damaging fluids and repair the damage, you will need to cut out and remove the area of the affected asphalt. You can hire a professional asphalt company to complete the repairs or complete them yourself.

First, use a circular concrete saw to cut around the area of damage. Then, break apart and remove the damage using a pack axe and pry bar or a shovel. Be careful you don't allow any of the damaged asphalt to touch the surrounding asphalt, as the damaging fluids can transfer to the undamaged surfaces.

Surface Oxidation

When your asphalt begins to lighten to a grey color as it ages, this is a sign of its becoming oxidized. Oxidation occurs from the sun's ultraviolet rays, and other weather conditions to dry out the emulsion in the asphalt. The best way to restore your asphalt after it begins to dry out is with a protective layer seal coating treatment. This restores not only the asphalt's black color, but also the moisture and the waterproof barrier of the surface of your asphalt.

Seal coating your asphalt can be completed with the right tools and materials, but you can hire it to be handled by a professional asphalt company. They will pour down a layer of hot asphalt emulsion, spreading it smooth and even over the surface of your asphalt, which restores your asphalt for it to last many more years.
